Weightloss exercises # 6 (weightloss yoga)

So people we had started off yoga since my last blog post. I would be telling you further about the yoga postures that will surely help you guys out in weight loss
Do leave your comments if you have any query or suggestion or you can contact me through my email.
Also I would be having my exams so no post till one month. Till then work on these exercises and leave your feedback.
It has to be informed that weight loss series  that I started will consist of ten posts for each weight loss exercises, weight loss tips and weight loss diet.

Lets get started then people. Today I am going to tell you about two new postures of yoga. You dont have to worry, I would be keeping it real simple.

1. Moon Posture (Ardha Chandrasana) : This posture is very effective for the people who are aiming for flat belly. This gives body balance as well. In this posture, all you have to do is balance yourself on your one arm and one leg keeping it straight. Next stretch your other leg and other arm that is free. Repeat it for the other set of arms and legs. You need to keep you arms an legs free. I say you give it a try for 3 minutes each side. In addition, the vision gets better too. As a result of this posture, your hormones get motivated thus helping in metabolism and other body growth. One thing that I recommend of this posture is due to its ability to vanish the kidney stones through natural process of excretion.

Yoga Girl Kath Ford2.Sunrise Yoga:  This is the posture I think simple enough that involves stretching yourself. This is used for flat belly. One can easily get into this posture without any problem. It enhances the breathing congestion as well when deep breaths are taken after attaining this posture. Remember to join your hands and stretch it to the top direction while you stretch one leg keeping your body balanced on your knee.

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