Healthy hair tips, healthy hair secrets

Healthy hair is the desire of every girl out there.
Healthy hair gives confidence to a girl.

However, some little steps can also be made for obtaining healthy hairs.
All you have to do is follow simple actions:

1.Avoid oily food for healthy hair.
Eating healthy will give give direct nutrients for your hair.

* Protein,iron Vitamin B,C,D,E
(milk,orange juice, cereal)
(eggs and nuts)

2.Use hair products with zinc  for strength

 *zinc pyrithione
 *selenium sulfide
 *salicylic acid

These are the chemicals which are recommended to be in your shampoo.

3.Massage your hair with oil atleast once a week.
  Hot oil massages should be done.
  Islam has also mentioned various benefits of oil.
 Oil massages for hair is beneficiary for the pores. Also it vitalizes the Brain.

*Castor oil : for long hair
 *Sesame oil: for healthy hair and roots.
 *Coconut oil: To provide a cooling feeling
 *Egg Oil: If hair has some kind of problem like early greying, hair fall and vice versa.
 *Avacado Oil:  has amino acids and Vitamins A,B,D,E
 *Rosemary Oil: prevents grey hair,less heavy on scalp, helps in growth
 *Almond Oil: for lustrous look.
 *Extra Virgin Olive Oil: for healthy and shiny hair.

4.Apply the shampoo from hand when having a shower rather than applying it from the shampoo bottle.

5.Use thick toothed comb.

6.No rubber bands.

7. Use silk pillows instead of cotton pillows as cotton allows friction breaking the hair while slumber.

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