Daily skin care tips

Your skin defines you !

In order to appear confident,your skin has to appear neat at all times.
Doesnt matter what skin type you belong to or whether you have skin issues or not, clean skin should be maintained by all in order to give you an 'independent look'.

Here is a list of Everyday caring practices that can be taken to maintain and improve your skin.

1.Make Cucumbers your BFF.

Cucumbers have great benefits hidden in it.

*Place the cucumber pieces above eyes.It helps in fading away the dark circles which appear over the eyes.
*Cucumbers naturally contain ascorbic acid and hence they remove the puffiness of the eyes.
*When cucumber juice is mixed with few drops of lemon juice forming a mask, it helps rejuvenates the skin.
*Eat cucumber daily to prevent Cellulite.Now,Cellulites are the dimples which occur on your thighs. Cucumber juice when mixed with Coffee beans and raw honey, can also be applied on the effected area for half hour to reduce Cellulites.
*Cucumbers also tighten open pores present on the skin.and tones it.Just apply the cucumber juice with few drops of lemon, apple sidar, honey or aloe vera forming a paste.
*Cucumbers are active hydrating agent and can be helpful when treating Sun burn.

2.Consume Lemons daily.

Lemons are accepted as nature's best cleansers.It has various benefits which are regarded due to its usage.

*Lemons are said to play an effective role for weight loss.Lemons contain Calcium,Citric Acid,Vitamin C and  Magnessium.
Using lemon juice or lemon tea not only gives a feeling of freshness, but also cuts down the excess fat present.
It cleanses the liver and helps prevent infection too.

*Lemons help in keeping acne away.Citric acid present kills the bacteria that infects the skin and causes acne.
Apply the lemon juice from cotton or by finger and leave it over night.

*Citric acid present helps fight nausea.The sour taste vitalizes the mind with a new fresh feeling and abandons dizziness,nervousness,anxiety and fatigue.It is also said that alertness of mind can also be improved  by inhaling lemon oil.

*Lemon tea is the instant cure to treat cold and fever.

*Mix lemon juice (8 drops ) with a cup of warm water and honey (1 tablespoon) and apply on the skin where there is eczema.Repeat the procedure thrice a day to treat the infection.

3.Oh Honey!

Honey has diverse benefits in it.

*Honey is great for treating acne as it is naturally anti bacterial.

*Honey is full of anti-oxidants so one can age slowly by eating honey.

*Honey serves as a great moisturizer and leaves the skin smooth.

*Honey opens up the clogged up pores present on your skin.By opening these pores, skin becomes clear.

*To avoid rough skin formed due to Winters, apply honey on your body before taking bath.If you want to make your bath more effective and remove dead skins while bath, you can add two cups of honey  and some baking soda in water.

Cut a lemon in half and put honey on either surface.Rub it in your face to get instant cleansed, glowing skin.

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