Weight loss exercise #9 (Exercises for face)

Hey there lovely people, I hope my weight loss program has helped you a lot. After the series are ended, you can mail me your personal queries regarding any weight loss topic and I will be obliged to help you.
Also I am glad that you guys have been reading and following my posts.
Feel free to ask me your weight loss issues or other health and beauty related issue.

So here goes the next set of exercises for face or as I say "Beauty Exercises".

1.Apple Exercise: Okay people !For this exercise all you have to do is put an apple in your mouth,try to pick a smaller apple in size to fix in your mouth a bit. Then stretch your self in Sunrise posture as I discussed before. Your jaws might hurt but trust me, the wrinkles or hanging skin on the lip area would be affected by it.

2.Watching the Clock: A lot of people might have done it during work or at school. You have to move your eyes according to needle,s movement on the clock without moving your face. It is done to maximize your vision and give control of your concentration.

3.Face Lift: Many people had asked me about this exercise so here it goes. Last time I had told you about Nose exercise where you have to massage it. Well now do it for the face.Gently massage your face with clean hands and making your hands coincide at nose tip. Firstly, cover your face with your hands.Done okay .......cool. Now move your hands downward slowly such that your fingers meet up at the tip of your nose.

4.Lips exercise: Women as well as men desire a curvy and fuller shape of their lips to make themselves appear attractive. For this, women even go for Butox or some other kind of surgeries. Sheesh! every natural way is available in nature and that is least painful with no side effects. Any how,push your lips inward and outward again and again in continuous motion. Its like make a pout then make your lips flat then again pout then again flat and so on. You can do it at any time as per your feasibility.

5.Eyes and Eyebrows: Sometimes, people do not have curvy eyebrow naturally and the hair is scattered making it appear messy and manly for females. Yeah tweezers do help but in order to have that curve naturally you should do this exercise. Move your eye brows in up and down motion like your eyebrows lift during amazement or shock or some kind of exclamation. This is to lift your eyes.
In order to make your eyebrows curvy, take your index finger and gently brush your eye brows with it in a curved path.

I hope you like my tips people. Do give your feedback.

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