Weight loss diet #1

Ok!so alot of people believe to diet for weight loss.
I believe that a person should be free to eat whatever he/she wills but not in excess quantity.

For me, a person should act on five major things:

1.A person should cut down sweets to a minimum level whether as candies or beverages.Drink plenty of water too.If you are a fan of chocolates, I recommend Snickers because it has nuts and you would be full in no time.

2.A person should eat short meals i.e., distribute your three meals to five meals, it doesnt mean to eat more than you do.Dont let your tummy growl out of hunger, it means that your stored fats will provide energy and come to the rescue while your digestive system slows down. Eat till you feel you have eaten upto quarter of your stomach capacity, not full.

3.Avoid junk food and spicy food to maximum, some people like extra chili in their food so to let you know it is also adding to your body weight.
Yeah.... if you eat outside try to eat sandwiches or rolls instead of burgers.Buns add to the carbs.
If you are a major fan of doughnuts,ice-cream,McDonalds just try to keep it twice a month.
I recommend you eat boiled Chick peas or Garbanzo peas with your favorite spices in the evening.It absorbs the fats and is a healthy nutrition.Remamber, it doesnt have to extra spicy.

You would be astonished to know that I have to eat one course meal outside my house daily.That means more oily food and more junk food.Yet my friends still compliment me that I maintain myself.
So the key is to stay in balance.
What is the use of starving yourself and having malnutrition?
Its all about the balance.
Keep the junk food twice a month and consume smoothies or juices or sandwiches when you feel hungry.
Smoothies are the best if you ask me.

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